





2015.09-2021.06 武汉大学,水利水电工程,博士

2011.09-2015.06 武汉大学,农业水利工程,本科


2021.10-2024.09 武汉大学水利水电学院,博士后

2024.11-至今 武汉大学水利水电学院,副研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金会面上项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31,主持

3. 农业水资源高效利用全国重点实验室开放研究基金项目,考虑能量不平衡问题的农田蒸散发模型研究,2024-01-01 至 2025-12-31,主持

4. 科学技术部国家重点研发计划,海陆交互带污染界面时空演化与驱动机制, 2023年12月 -2026年11月,参与

5. 横沙乡人民政府技术服务项目,横沙岛碳收支一体化智能监测杆开发,2023-01-01 至 2023-12-31,主持


担任Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Agricultural Water Management、节水灌溉等国内外学术期刊审稿人


1. 灌区干旱信息深度挖掘及输配水智能调控关键技术与应用,农业节水科技奖二等奖,排名7/10 ,2022年

2. 基于能量平衡理论的蒸散发模拟及干旱评估研究 ,第四届全国高等学校水利类专业优秀研究生学位论文,2022年


1. Hu, X., Shi, L*., Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, J., Bian, J., Su, C., Du, S., Wang, T. Accurate estimation of gross primary production of paddy rice cropland with UAV imagery-driven leaf biochemical model [J]. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(20), 3906. (SCI收录,二区)

2. Deng, X., Zhang, Z, Hu, X.*, Li, J., Li, S., Su, C., Du, S., Shi, L. X. Estimation of photosynthetic parameters from hyperspectral images using optimal deep learning architecture [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 216, 108540. (SCI收录,一区Top)

3. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, L., Bian, J, Lian, X. A novel hybrid modelling framework for GPP estimation: Integrating a multispectral surface reflectance based Vcmax25 simulator into the process-based model [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 921, 171182. (SCI收录,一区Top)

4. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lian, X., Bian, J. Parameter variability across different timescales in the energy balance-based model and its effect on evapotranspiration estimation [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871, 161919. (SCI收录,一区Top)

5. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G., Lin, L. Comparison of physical-based, data-driven and hybrid modeling approaches for evapotranspiration prediction [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126592. (SCI收录,一区Top)

6. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G. The data-driven solution of energy imbalance-induced structural error in evapotranspiration models [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126205. (SCI收录,一区Top)

7. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Magliulo, V. Improving surface roughness lengths estimation using machine learning algorithms [J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020, 287, 107956. (SCI收录,一区Top)

8. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zha, Y. Nonlinear boundaries of land surface temperature-vegetation index space to estimate water deficit index and evaporation fraction[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 279,107736. (SCI收录,一区Top)

9. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zhang, B., Zha, Y. Optical-based and thermal-based surface conductance and actual evapotranspiration estimation, an evaluation study in the North China Plain[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 263:449-464. (SCI收录,一区Top)

10. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Zeng, J., Yang, J., Zha, Y., Yao, Y., Cao, G. Estimation of actual irrigation amount and its impact on groundwater depletion: A case study in the Hebei Plain, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543:433-449. (SCI收录,一区Top)


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝. 基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力模拟系统V1.0. 登记号:2023SR1106803. 批准日期:2023年9月19日.


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝,边江,连勰. 一种基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力计算方法及系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 2023 1 1441763.5. 授权日期:2024年06月11日.







2015.09-2021.06 武汉大学,水利水电工程,博士

2011.09-2015.06 武汉大学,农业水利工程,本科


2021.10-2024.09 武汉大学水利水电学院,博士后

2024.11-至今 武汉大学水利水电学院,副研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金会面上项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31,主持

3. 农业水资源高效利用全国重点实验室开放研究基金项目,考虑能量不平衡问题的农田蒸散发模型研究,2024-01-01 至 2025-12-31,主持

4. 科学技术部国家重点研发计划,海陆交互带污染界面时空演化与驱动机制, 2023年12月 -2026年11月,参与

5. 横沙乡人民政府技术服务项目,横沙岛碳收支一体化智能监测杆开发,2023-01-01 至 2023-12-31,主持


担任Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Agricultural Water Management、节水灌溉等国内外学术期刊审稿人


1. 灌区干旱信息深度挖掘及输配水智能调控关键技术与应用,农业节水科技奖二等奖,排名7/10 ,2022年

2. 基于能量平衡理论的蒸散发模拟及干旱评估研究 ,第四届全国高等学校水利类专业优秀研究生学位论文,2022年


1. Hu, X., Shi, L*., Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, J., Bian, J., Su, C., Du, S., Wang, T. Accurate estimation of gross primary production of paddy rice cropland with UAV imagery-driven leaf biochemical model [J]. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(20), 3906. (SCI收录,二区)

2. Deng, X., Zhang, Z, Hu, X.*, Li, J., Li, S., Su, C., Du, S., Shi, L. X. Estimation of photosynthetic parameters from hyperspectral images using optimal deep learning architecture [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 216, 108540. (SCI收录,一区Top)

3. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, L., Bian, J, Lian, X. A novel hybrid modelling framework for GPP estimation: Integrating a multispectral surface reflectance based Vcmax25 simulator into the process-based model [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 921, 171182. (SCI收录,一区Top)

4. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lian, X., Bian, J. Parameter variability across different timescales in the energy balance-based model and its effect on evapotranspiration estimation [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871, 161919. (SCI收录,一区Top)

5. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G., Lin, L. Comparison of physical-based, data-driven and hybrid modeling approaches for evapotranspiration prediction [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126592. (SCI收录,一区Top)

6. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G. The data-driven solution of energy imbalance-induced structural error in evapotranspiration models [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126205. (SCI收录,一区Top)

7. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Magliulo, V. Improving surface roughness lengths estimation using machine learning algorithms [J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020, 287, 107956. (SCI收录,一区Top)

8. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zha, Y. Nonlinear boundaries of land surface temperature-vegetation index space to estimate water deficit index and evaporation fraction[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 279,107736. (SCI收录,一区Top)

9. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zhang, B., Zha, Y. Optical-based and thermal-based surface conductance and actual evapotranspiration estimation, an evaluation study in the North China Plain[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 263:449-464. (SCI收录,一区Top)

10. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Zeng, J., Yang, J., Zha, Y., Yao, Y., Cao, G. Estimation of actual irrigation amount and its impact on groundwater depletion: A case study in the Hebei Plain, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543:433-449. (SCI收录,一区Top)


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝. 基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力模拟系统V1.0. 登记号:2023SR1106803. 批准日期:2023年9月19日.


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝,边江,连勰. 一种基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力计算方法及系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 2023 1 1441763.5. 授权日期:2024年06月11日.







2015.09-2021.06 武汉大学,水利水电工程,博士

2011.09-2015.06 武汉大学,农业水利工程,本科


2021.10-2024.09 武汉大学水利水电学院,博士后

2024.11-至今 武汉大学水利水电学院,副研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金会面上项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31,主持

3. 农业水资源高效利用全国重点实验室开放研究基金项目,考虑能量不平衡问题的农田蒸散发模型研究,2024-01-01 至 2025-12-31,主持

4. 科学技术部国家重点研发计划,海陆交互带污染界面时空演化与驱动机制, 2023年12月 -2026年11月,参与

5. 横沙乡人民政府技术服务项目,横沙岛碳收支一体化智能监测杆开发,2023-01-01 至 2023-12-31,主持


担任Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Agricultural Water Management、节水灌溉等国内外学术期刊审稿人


1. 灌区干旱信息深度挖掘及输配水智能调控关键技术与应用,农业节水科技奖二等奖,排名7/10 ,2022年

2. 基于能量平衡理论的蒸散发模拟及干旱评估研究 ,第四届全国高等学校水利类专业优秀研究生学位论文,2022年


1. Hu, X., Shi, L*., Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, J., Bian, J., Su, C., Du, S., Wang, T. Accurate estimation of gross primary production of paddy rice cropland with UAV imagery-driven leaf biochemical model [J]. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(20), 3906. (SCI收录,二区)

2. Deng, X., Zhang, Z, Hu, X.*, Li, J., Li, S., Su, C., Du, S., Shi, L. X. Estimation of photosynthetic parameters from hyperspectral images using optimal deep learning architecture [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 216, 108540. (SCI收录,一区Top)

3. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, L., Bian, J, Lian, X. A novel hybrid modelling framework for GPP estimation: Integrating a multispectral surface reflectance based Vcmax25 simulator into the process-based model [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 921, 171182. (SCI收录,一区Top)

4. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lian, X., Bian, J. Parameter variability across different timescales in the energy balance-based model and its effect on evapotranspiration estimation [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871, 161919. (SCI收录,一区Top)

5. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G., Lin, L. Comparison of physical-based, data-driven and hybrid modeling approaches for evapotranspiration prediction [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126592. (SCI收录,一区Top)

6. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G. The data-driven solution of energy imbalance-induced structural error in evapotranspiration models [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126205. (SCI收录,一区Top)

7. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Magliulo, V. Improving surface roughness lengths estimation using machine learning algorithms [J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020, 287, 107956. (SCI收录,一区Top)

8. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zha, Y. Nonlinear boundaries of land surface temperature-vegetation index space to estimate water deficit index and evaporation fraction[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 279,107736. (SCI收录,一区Top)

9. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zhang, B., Zha, Y. Optical-based and thermal-based surface conductance and actual evapotranspiration estimation, an evaluation study in the North China Plain[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 263:449-464. (SCI收录,一区Top)

10. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Zeng, J., Yang, J., Zha, Y., Yao, Y., Cao, G. Estimation of actual irrigation amount and its impact on groundwater depletion: A case study in the Hebei Plain, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543:433-449. (SCI收录,一区Top)


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝. 基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力模拟系统V1.0. 登记号:2023SR1106803. 批准日期:2023年9月19日.


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝,边江,连勰. 一种基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力计算方法及系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 2023 1 1441763.5. 授权日期:2024年06月11日.







2015.09-2021.06 武汉大学,水利水电工程,博士

2011.09-2015.06 武汉大学,农业水利工程,本科


2021.10-2024.09 武汉大学水利水电学院,博士后

2024.11-至今 武汉大学水利水电学院,副研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金会面上项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31,主持

3. 农业水资源高效利用全国重点实验室开放研究基金项目,考虑能量不平衡问题的农田蒸散发模型研究,2024-01-01 至 2025-12-31,主持

4. 科学技术部国家重点研发计划,海陆交互带污染界面时空演化与驱动机制, 2023年12月 -2026年11月,参与

5. 横沙乡人民政府技术服务项目,横沙岛碳收支一体化智能监测杆开发,2023-01-01 至 2023-12-31,主持


担任Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Agricultural Water Management、节水灌溉等国内外学术期刊审稿人


1. 灌区干旱信息深度挖掘及输配水智能调控关键技术与应用,农业节水科技奖二等奖,排名7/10 ,2022年

2. 基于能量平衡理论的蒸散发模拟及干旱评估研究 ,第四届全国高等学校水利类专业优秀研究生学位论文,2022年


1. Hu, X., Shi, L*., Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, J., Bian, J., Su, C., Du, S., Wang, T. Accurate estimation of gross primary production of paddy rice cropland with UAV imagery-driven leaf biochemical model [J]. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(20), 3906. (SCI收录,二区)

2. Deng, X., Zhang, Z, Hu, X.*, Li, J., Li, S., Su, C., Du, S., Shi, L. X. Estimation of photosynthetic parameters from hyperspectral images using optimal deep learning architecture [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 216, 108540. (SCI收录,一区Top)

3. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, L., Bian, J, Lian, X. A novel hybrid modelling framework for GPP estimation: Integrating a multispectral surface reflectance based Vcmax25 simulator into the process-based model [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 921, 171182. (SCI收录,一区Top)

4. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lian, X., Bian, J. Parameter variability across different timescales in the energy balance-based model and its effect on evapotranspiration estimation [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871, 161919. (SCI收录,一区Top)

5. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G., Lin, L. Comparison of physical-based, data-driven and hybrid modeling approaches for evapotranspiration prediction [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126592. (SCI收录,一区Top)

6. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G. The data-driven solution of energy imbalance-induced structural error in evapotranspiration models [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126205. (SCI收录,一区Top)

7. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Magliulo, V. Improving surface roughness lengths estimation using machine learning algorithms [J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020, 287, 107956. (SCI收录,一区Top)

8. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zha, Y. Nonlinear boundaries of land surface temperature-vegetation index space to estimate water deficit index and evaporation fraction[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 279,107736. (SCI收录,一区Top)

9. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zhang, B., Zha, Y. Optical-based and thermal-based surface conductance and actual evapotranspiration estimation, an evaluation study in the North China Plain[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 263:449-464. (SCI收录,一区Top)

10. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Zeng, J., Yang, J., Zha, Y., Yao, Y., Cao, G. Estimation of actual irrigation amount and its impact on groundwater depletion: A case study in the Hebei Plain, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543:433-449. (SCI收录,一区Top)


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝. 基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力模拟系统V1.0. 登记号:2023SR1106803. 批准日期:2023年9月19日.


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝,边江,连勰. 一种基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力计算方法及系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 2023 1 1441763.5. 授权日期:2024年06月11日.







2015.09-2021.06 武汉大学,水利水电工程,博士

2011.09-2015.06 武汉大学,农业水利工程,本科


2021.10-2024.09 武汉大学水利水电学院,博士后

2024.11-至今 武汉大学水利水电学院,副研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金会面上项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31,主持

3. 农业水资源高效利用全国重点实验室开放研究基金项目,考虑能量不平衡问题的农田蒸散发模型研究,2024-01-01 至 2025-12-31,主持

4. 科学技术部国家重点研发计划,海陆交互带污染界面时空演化与驱动机制, 2023年12月 -2026年11月,参与

5. 横沙乡人民政府技术服务项目,横沙岛碳收支一体化智能监测杆开发,2023-01-01 至 2023-12-31,主持


担任Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Agricultural Water Management、节水灌溉等国内外学术期刊审稿人


1. 灌区干旱信息深度挖掘及输配水智能调控关键技术与应用,农业节水科技奖二等奖,排名7/10 ,2022年

2. 基于能量平衡理论的蒸散发模拟及干旱评估研究 ,第四届全国高等学校水利类专业优秀研究生学位论文,2022年


1. Hu, X., Shi, L*., Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, J., Bian, J., Su, C., Du, S., Wang, T. Accurate estimation of gross primary production of paddy rice cropland with UAV imagery-driven leaf biochemical model [J]. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(20), 3906. (SCI收录,二区)

2. Deng, X., Zhang, Z, Hu, X.*, Li, J., Li, S., Su, C., Du, S., Shi, L. X. Estimation of photosynthetic parameters from hyperspectral images using optimal deep learning architecture [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 216, 108540. (SCI收录,一区Top)

3. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, L., Bian, J, Lian, X. A novel hybrid modelling framework for GPP estimation: Integrating a multispectral surface reflectance based Vcmax25 simulator into the process-based model [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 921, 171182. (SCI收录,一区Top)

4. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lian, X., Bian, J. Parameter variability across different timescales in the energy balance-based model and its effect on evapotranspiration estimation [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871, 161919. (SCI收录,一区Top)

5. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G., Lin, L. Comparison of physical-based, data-driven and hybrid modeling approaches for evapotranspiration prediction [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126592. (SCI收录,一区Top)

6. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G. The data-driven solution of energy imbalance-induced structural error in evapotranspiration models [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126205. (SCI收录,一区Top)

7. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Magliulo, V. Improving surface roughness lengths estimation using machine learning algorithms [J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020, 287, 107956. (SCI收录,一区Top)

8. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zha, Y. Nonlinear boundaries of land surface temperature-vegetation index space to estimate water deficit index and evaporation fraction[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 279,107736. (SCI收录,一区Top)

9. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zhang, B., Zha, Y. Optical-based and thermal-based surface conductance and actual evapotranspiration estimation, an evaluation study in the North China Plain[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 263:449-464. (SCI收录,一区Top)

10. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Zeng, J., Yang, J., Zha, Y., Yao, Y., Cao, G. Estimation of actual irrigation amount and its impact on groundwater depletion: A case study in the Hebei Plain, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543:433-449. (SCI收录,一区Top)


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝. 基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力模拟系统V1.0. 登记号:2023SR1106803. 批准日期:2023年9月19日.


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝,边江,连勰. 一种基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力计算方法及系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 2023 1 1441763.5. 授权日期:2024年06月11日.







2015.09-2021.06 武汉大学,水利水电工程,博士

2011.09-2015.06 武汉大学,农业水利工程,本科


2021.10-2024.09 武汉大学水利水电学院,博士后

2024.11-至今 武汉大学水利水电学院,副研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金会面上项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31,主持

3. 农业水资源高效利用全国重点实验室开放研究基金项目,考虑能量不平衡问题的农田蒸散发模型研究,2024-01-01 至 2025-12-31,主持

4. 科学技术部国家重点研发计划,海陆交互带污染界面时空演化与驱动机制, 2023年12月 -2026年11月,参与

5. 横沙乡人民政府技术服务项目,横沙岛碳收支一体化智能监测杆开发,2023-01-01 至 2023-12-31,主持


担任Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Agricultural Water Management、节水灌溉等国内外学术期刊审稿人


1. 灌区干旱信息深度挖掘及输配水智能调控关键技术与应用,农业节水科技奖二等奖,排名7/10 ,2022年

2. 基于能量平衡理论的蒸散发模拟及干旱评估研究 ,第四届全国高等学校水利类专业优秀研究生学位论文,2022年


1. Hu, X., Shi, L*., Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, J., Bian, J., Su, C., Du, S., Wang, T. Accurate estimation of gross primary production of paddy rice cropland with UAV imagery-driven leaf biochemical model [J]. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(20), 3906. (SCI收录,二区)

2. Deng, X., Zhang, Z, Hu, X.*, Li, J., Li, S., Su, C., Du, S., Shi, L. X. Estimation of photosynthetic parameters from hyperspectral images using optimal deep learning architecture [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 216, 108540. (SCI收录,一区Top)

3. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, L., Bian, J, Lian, X. A novel hybrid modelling framework for GPP estimation: Integrating a multispectral surface reflectance based Vcmax25 simulator into the process-based model [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 921, 171182. (SCI收录,一区Top)

4. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lian, X., Bian, J. Parameter variability across different timescales in the energy balance-based model and its effect on evapotranspiration estimation [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871, 161919. (SCI收录,一区Top)

5. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G., Lin, L. Comparison of physical-based, data-driven and hybrid modeling approaches for evapotranspiration prediction [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126592. (SCI收录,一区Top)

6. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G. The data-driven solution of energy imbalance-induced structural error in evapotranspiration models [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126205. (SCI收录,一区Top)

7. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Magliulo, V. Improving surface roughness lengths estimation using machine learning algorithms [J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020, 287, 107956. (SCI收录,一区Top)

8. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zha, Y. Nonlinear boundaries of land surface temperature-vegetation index space to estimate water deficit index and evaporation fraction[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 279,107736. (SCI收录,一区Top)

9. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zhang, B., Zha, Y. Optical-based and thermal-based surface conductance and actual evapotranspiration estimation, an evaluation study in the North China Plain[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 263:449-464. (SCI收录,一区Top)

10. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Zeng, J., Yang, J., Zha, Y., Yao, Y., Cao, G. Estimation of actual irrigation amount and its impact on groundwater depletion: A case study in the Hebei Plain, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543:433-449. (SCI收录,一区Top)


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝. 基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力模拟系统V1.0. 登记号:2023SR1106803. 批准日期:2023年9月19日.


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝,边江,连勰. 一种基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力计算方法及系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 2023 1 1441763.5. 授权日期:2024年06月11日.







2015.09-2021.06 武汉大学,水利水电工程,博士

2011.09-2015.06 武汉大学,农业水利工程,本科


2021.10-2024.09 武汉大学水利水电学院,博士后

2024.11-至今 武汉大学水利水电学院,副研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金会面上项目,知识-数据混合驱动的农田水、热、碳通量传输机理挖掘与定量表征研究,2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31,主持

3. 农业水资源高效利用全国重点实验室开放研究基金项目,考虑能量不平衡问题的农田蒸散发模型研究,2024-01-01 至 2025-12-31,主持

4. 科学技术部国家重点研发计划,海陆交互带污染界面时空演化与驱动机制, 2023年12月 -2026年11月,参与

5. 横沙乡人民政府技术服务项目,横沙岛碳收支一体化智能监测杆开发,2023-01-01 至 2023-12-31,主持


担任Computers and Electronics in Agriculture、Agricultural Water Management、节水灌溉等国内外学术期刊审稿人


1. 灌区干旱信息深度挖掘及输配水智能调控关键技术与应用,农业节水科技奖二等奖,排名7/10 ,2022年

2. 基于能量平衡理论的蒸散发模拟及干旱评估研究 ,第四届全国高等学校水利类专业优秀研究生学位论文,2022年


1. Hu, X., Shi, L*., Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, J., Bian, J., Su, C., Du, S., Wang, T. Accurate estimation of gross primary production of paddy rice cropland with UAV imagery-driven leaf biochemical model [J]. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(20), 3906. (SCI收录,二区)

2. Deng, X., Zhang, Z, Hu, X.*, Li, J., Li, S., Su, C., Du, S., Shi, L. X. Estimation of photosynthetic parameters from hyperspectral images using optimal deep learning architecture [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024, 216, 108540. (SCI收录,一区Top)

3. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lin, L., Li, S., Deng, X., Li, L., Bian, J, Lian, X. A novel hybrid modelling framework for GPP estimation: Integrating a multispectral surface reflectance based Vcmax25 simulator into the process-based model [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 921, 171182. (SCI收录,一区Top)

4. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Lian, X., Bian, J. Parameter variability across different timescales in the energy balance-based model and its effect on evapotranspiration estimation [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871, 161919. (SCI收录,一区Top)

5. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G., Lin, L. Comparison of physical-based, data-driven and hybrid modeling approaches for evapotranspiration prediction [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126592. (SCI收录,一区Top)

6. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, G. The data-driven solution of energy imbalance-induced structural error in evapotranspiration models [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 126205. (SCI收录,一区Top)

7. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Magliulo, V. Improving surface roughness lengths estimation using machine learning algorithms [J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020, 287, 107956. (SCI收录,一区Top)

8. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zha, Y. Nonlinear boundaries of land surface temperature-vegetation index space to estimate water deficit index and evaporation fraction[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 279,107736. (SCI收录,一区Top)

9. Hu, X., Shi, L. *, Lin, L., Zhang, B., Zha, Y. Optical-based and thermal-based surface conductance and actual evapotranspiration estimation, an evaluation study in the North China Plain[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 263:449-464. (SCI收录,一区Top)

10. Hu, X., Shi, L.*, Zeng, J., Yang, J., Zha, Y., Yao, Y., Cao, G. Estimation of actual irrigation amount and its impact on groundwater depletion: A case study in the Hebei Plain, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543:433-449. (SCI收录,一区Top)


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝. 基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力模拟系统V1.0. 登记号:2023SR1106803. 批准日期:2023年9月19日.


1. 胡小龙,史良胜,邓仙芝,边江,连勰. 一种基于卫星多光谱信息的总初级生产力计算方法及系统. 发明专利,专利号:ZL 2023 1 1441763.5. 授权日期:2024年06月11日.
