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    Audrey LiKeke Li,李可可)

    Professor of Wuhan University

    Director of Institute of Water History & Water Management

    Schoolof WaterResources and Hydroelectric Engineering



    P. R. China

    Research Expertise:

    History of Hydro technology of China

    Water Management & Policy

    Water Culture

    My researches mainly include two aspects. One is history of hydro technology of China, such as irrigation projects, artificial canals, Rivers’ levee and water resources from ancient to now, together with their technology and management. The other is Water Management and policy of comtenporary China and other countries especially western countries as America. I also research water culture.

    My present research interests focus on relationship between water projects and centralization both in history and present time especially to those large projects or projects with large scale. Another is comparative research of water management and policy in different countries especially between western developed countries and P. R. of China.


    Water History of China,for graduates;

    Flood and Drought Disasters in History of China,for graduates.

    Water Culture,for graduates, lecture (seminar course);

    Water Law & Water Management,for graduates, lecture (seminar course).

    Water History and Culture of the Changjiang River Basin,for undergraduate;

    Water Security and Water Management,for undergraduate;

    I have directed 46 graduate students since 1997 to now.

    Social Ministration:

    Committeewoman of Technological History Committee of Chinese Society for the History of Science and Thchnology;

    Committeewoman of Educational Committee of Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology;

    Committeewoman of Water History Committee of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society;

    Vice-director of Water History Committee of Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering Society of Hubei Province.


    PhD Engineering , Wuhan University (Discipline: Hydraulics and River Dynamics)

    MS Hydro Structure , Wuhan University

    BS Hydraulic Architecture , Changsha University of Science & Technology


    From 1991, I have published 50 thesis on academic journals and more than 60 papers on newspapers. I also have published 6 academic books by cooperating with other professors. These thesis, papers and books involved history of water projects, hydro thchnology, water management and policies, water culture, water systems’ evolvement etc both in ancient and modern time.

    Representative publications as follows:

    Part 1: Main Books

    Research on Comprehensive Treatment of the Plain-Lake-Country in Hubei Province, the fifth writer, Science Press, 2009, Peking

    History of Water Conservancy of Yichang Area of Hubei Province (from ancient to 2000), the second writer, Changjiang Press, 2007, Wuhan

    Water Conservancy History and Culture of Changjiang River Basin, Peihong Li, Keke Li, Hubei Education Press, 2004, Wuhan

    History of Water Conservancy of Hubei Provience (from ancient to 1998), the third writer, China Waterpower Press, 2000, Peking

    Part 2: Main Thesis on academic journals

    Li Keke, Zhang Qiaoling, Theories and Issues Related to Water Museum Construction in China, China Water Resources, 2012(11):59-61

    Wang you-kui, Li Ke-ke, Further Research on Construction of the Ancient Qiebei Project, China Water Resources, 2011(10):67-70 (note: Quebei Project has more than 2600 years history)

    Li Ke-ke, Dujiangyan - A Successful Application of the Theory of “Controlling Water by Dispartment-and-Dredging”, China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2008(3):79-80,84 (note: Dujiangyan Project has more than 2250 years history)

    Li Ke-ke, Chen Xi, On Water History & Culture and Their Exhibit and Inheriting, China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2007(4):81-83

    Li Ke-ke, Shen Jie, On Prehistoric Water Culture of the Ruins of Hemudu, China Water Resoruces, 2007(5):52-55

    Fan Ke-xu, Li Ke-ke, A preliminary Study on Allocation of Initial Water Right in Changjiang River Basin, Yangtze River, 2007(11):4-6

    Li Ke-ke, From “Dispartment-and-Dredging” to “Harmonious Co-existence between Humankind and Water”, China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2007(7):59-61,

    Overview of Dujiangyan Irrigation Scheme of Ancient China with Current Theory, Keke Li, Zhifang Xu, Irrigation and Drainage, Volume55 Numer3 (2006):291-298 (In English)

    Li Ke-ke, Zhang Jie, Research on Expreience of Flood Proofing Measures in the United States, China Water Resources, 2006(11):54-56

    Li Ke-ke, Dai Ying, Research on Agricultural Irrigation Water Fees Management in China, China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2005(2):19-23

    Li Ke-ke, Fang Ying, Liu Gang, Cultural Value of King Yu’s Governance The Flood, China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2004(6):42-44

    Research on and Reveal of Water Right of Western United States, Keke Li, Ziping Shao, China Water Resources, 2004 (6):65-67.

    Part3: Papers on newspapers

    Column of China water history, China Water Resources News, 2006-2010

    Colunm of China water culture, China Water Resources News, 2012-2013

    Other papers about water management and policies, China Water Resources News, 2004-2013


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